Category: Site News

Alliance of Moms Raising Baby Presentation

Sarah attends Alliance of Moms Raising Baby Presentation in Los Angeles, CA on November 3, 2018.

Gallery Link:
— Public Appearances from 2018 > Alliance of Moms Raising Baby Presentation

Welcome to Sarah Michelle Gellar Web

Hello everyone! This took long enough, and Sarah Michelle Gellar Web is finally… online!!! Welcome!!!

I used to help out at back in the day (circa 2007/2008) and with all domain changes, I have finally decided to put to use. In addition, currently points to this web site and there might be more coming our way. Thanks to Gemma for our beautiful header! I have been uploading a bunch of images to the photo gallery. Hoping to add public appearances photos from recent years, and possibly some candids sets as well next.

If you would like to contribute to the site by any means (photos, fan art, drawings, magazine scans, etc.) – please use this email to be featured on this web site. If you are a fan site owner, we are always looking for affiliates – do not hesitate to apply for affiliates with us. I cannot wait to start working on bringing back all content (and more) in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, take a look around and enjoy your stay! Make sure to come back soon for more updates.

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