

Foodstirs is inspired by our collective mission to stir up the food industry with a revolutionary baking line, and along the way, create a community of likeminded people, or “Foodstirs.”

Projects Sarah Michelle Gellar - FoodstirsGalit Laibow, Greg Fleishman and Sarah Michelle Gellar, parents and longtime friends, were touched by the unbeatable way baking helped them connect with their kids. Amazed at the absence of options to make it more natural and accessible, they made their own.

They still try everything in their own kitchens and keep us searching for ever more inventive ways to bring baking back and make it better, with people and planet equally in mind.

Stirring Up Fun with Food

More than 100 fun food-crafting ideas that will engage, delight, and amaze kids – from actress, entrepreneur, and mom, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and former Martha Stewart Living editor Gia Russo.

Projects Sarah Michelle Gellar - Stirring Up Fun with FoodWhy stop with making basic brownies? Why not put them on a stick and decorate them? Why not take boring broccoli and turn it into a yummy cheese muffin instead? Sarah Michelle Gellar learned quickly that to get her kids to be adventurous with food, she had to involve them in preparing it.

She wanted that process to be fun and help them develop self-confidence, creative thinking, and even math skills! So Sarah and co-author Gia Russo came up with more than 100 fun food-crafting ideas that take basic food preparation to a surprising new level.

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